Not going to bore you with a 2 page history lesson about this band. Instead, I'm just going to show you what I like about them. You can look into them further if you want to.
I discovered the band God Lives Underwater in the summer of 2023. After having one of their songs looping in my head for awhile, I liked the sound of it. It wasn't until a little bit later to investigate who made it. The song was "Empty" from their album of the same name. And so, from that moment forth, I've loved their music. One of the things I like about the band is their surreal sound and visual style - Very dreamlike and bizzare, but in no way offputting - perhaps if you were not a fan of that stuff, sure. But for me, it's great! The visual style of their music videos, Specifically the videos for "No More Love" and "Don't Know How to Be" is facinating. "No More Love" has official and unofficial music videos, but they all capture the same feeling. One of them uses footage from the film 'Johnny Mnemonic', and was made not too long ago, in 2023 (attached below). It's good to see there are still fans of such a great band . . . . It's a shame that GLU are no longer together. But, We're lucky we have the amount of songs we have. They could've dropped 1 album, or even less - 1 EP / DEMO and we would never known such great songs like the ones aforementioned and the other songs on "Empty", the band's cover of "Fame", and The Album "Life In The So-Called Space Age" (to name a few) . . . .
Music Videos
I've been on the look out for a higher quality version of "Don't know how to be" and "No more Love" (besides the Johnny Mnemonic unofficial one, attached below) but broadly I'm looking for high quality GLU music videos in general, don't care what song it is, really.
Despite wishing/searching for higher quality vesions, I like the low quality in a way. Also, not suprised they are the way they are - GLU was/is a fairly underground group, and these were uploaded a long time ago. Mabye one day someone will find higher quality versions . . . . Or have they already? (I hope someone out there has a more videos, or higher quality ones.)
Other Music Videos
Update 18/10/23
I found them. I really got lucky in finding them too . . . . Long story short, I went into the Wikipedia page for the song "Don't Know How To Be" and read the "Music Video" section of the page. I read that the Music Video was used in a game called "Slamscape" so THEN I looked up "Slamscape ps1" on youtube and clicked into one of the videos about it and BAM! After all this time I found the Music Videos in better quality . . . . well, kinda. My favourite video is the one for "Don't Know How To Be" (if you couldn't tell already). Anyway, Here's the link to the Video : In better quality!!
Images / GIFS
I have a special connection to the "No More Love" Music Video. I think, if my mind could be one physical place, it would be like the location in the Music Video. Something about it is very familiar. Of which I can tell you what; the ran down barn with constructs of a past not fully known to the viewer. Or the person who treads along it, with whatever in their mind. I think of that place as being empty. But it's a place where it's a blank slate.... full of space to hold meaningful things... be it objects or ideas. I can imagine myself in that physical place. It's all quiet with perhaps a distant call of a bird of some kind. As if to see if anyone else is here. Well, some news; I'm here. I'm still here. The lyrics of the music video hold meaning to me all the same - of which some of them are to your left....
The "No More Love 1995 Director's Cut" Music Video also holds a special place in my heart. I find it cool/funny that these guys are just playing music in this techno-void-abyss-dream-nightmare. Besides that, It's like a place you would be in a dream. I like the inclusion of the johnny mnemonic glove-hand-things. Suits the vibe really well. I just love that place. You could call it liminal, sure, but it appeals to some part of my imagination that I can't fully articulate. I'll just say these places are very important to me. And that's that. While we're on the topic of locations, All Wrong's chemical plant (looks more like an industrial complex) reminds me of a place i've been to in the past. Abandoned, empty, full of old machinery and other sorts of costructs. Pipes, a wide open warehouse, metalic rust in places.... I'm sure you get the picture. I think it's funny how that happens to be similar. "Small world" as one would say.

Here are some of my favourite GLU songs. Some songs here are from David Reilly himself. So my favourite GLU songs with some others in there . . . . In no particular order. I like them all in their own way (;

1 - Lost
2 - Empty
3 - No More Love
4 - Don't Know How to Be
5 - All Wrong
6 - Someone Else
7 - Take Good Care
8 - Scared
9 - Weaken
10 - "Outro"
11 - Happy?
12 - Rearrange
I thought it would be worthwhile to give attention to the art design on David Reilly's solo album "how humans r" I think the unconcentrated style with graphics all over the place makes for a very nice arrangment.
And though much less visual than GLU, Matt Mahaffey and Jeff Turzo's short-lived group "Wired All Wrong" had a cool album "Break Out The Battle Tapes" with a sound that had a hint of GLU in there, with some interesting new elements. I listened to the etire album in one sitting. Good stuff all around. It was different, but good.
Dreams Are Unfinished Thoughts

I first ordered this book online but it got lost on it's way to me. So, I bought the audiobook instead. Sometime before I got the Audiobook, I watched the trailer that Brian Paone (The author of the book) put out. Being a massive GLU fan, the book looked great to me. In the trailer I heard audio from an interview that I could have sworn didn't come from any of the ones already on Youtube*. When I got the Audiobook, I loved the interview segments. It was great to get a personal recollection of David Reilly in that form. I enjoyed the story behind the David Reilly LIVE promotional picture, as shown below, was great to hear it!I also loved the short edits/mixes of the GLU songs at the start of each chapter. Very creative stuff.

*Turns out that the interview was on youtube.Here
Author's note: Some of the images on this page are made by me. If you wish to use them for anything, please include where you got them from.
Backround came from a fansite - www.enjoyglu.com