Created this file.
Added a whole lot of stuff to this page after some time away.
26 November 2023 - Created This Update file.
Finished this Page... for Now.
Fixed some of the directory issues, added new header. Fixed "Old Pages" (Home Page, Quake Worlds, Doom Wads, etc)
Update : Changed my website name. Put the Index and Home Page File on here. Trying to get Home Page background image to work, may take some time. linking other pages to the home page.
16,700 views ? - Much appreciated everyone. CSS is KEY for expression. It's awesome.I'll make more changes/updates later.
Updates today so far include : Fixing of the home page (again!) , added to "Not Found" page , change on "Black Hole Sun" lyrics page.
Changed size of "Dark Pit" image to fit into the quake page, moved quake css to quake.css, slight changes to the home page (fixed background image AGAIN) , added css file to Doom Archive page, removed contents, developing ideas to implement at a later stage. Slight changes to this page, Fixed the background image once again. Hopefully it stays that way!
Linked html pages to this page once again. Changed some things on the Doom, Black Hole Sun and Quake Page, changes are very minor though.
Generated direct links for my Doom / Quake files. Changed some text on the Quake Page.Edited the height of the backround on the quake page.
Added alot of the past updates to this "Updates" file.
Got rid of a bunch of Junk pages. For simplicities sake.
Uploaded The Updates file to Neocities.
Put update file on home page, made it an "iframe" tag and spent a bit making the scrollbar go away, it's a bit janky.
1 year ago today, this site was created. Certainly have come a long way since then. More things to come !
"Website updates" Page takes a little bit to refresh on the home page.
Removed the header on the wads page because it's broken :/ might add it back again some time in the future, but for now it's removed.
Put images of WADS on Doom-Page, Changed size of the images to be equal. (Wrote up these updates on 1/1/24)
Removed the text link (lair) in favour of an image link.
Put "construction" image under the doom title.
Surreal to think that this December, this site will be 2 years old. Time flies.
Changes to Image and text positions on Doom page, aligned "warmonger" image to right and the text to left.
Fixed an issue with the "website-updates" on the home-page. There was a horizontal-scroll so I got rid of it.
Took a little bit to show but yesterday, I fixed an issue with the "website-updates" on the home-page. There was a horizontal-scroll so I got rid of it. Editing 2/1 to show that now (on 3/1).
Also, Removed "Deathmatch" Section - Doom.
Removed "Woven" banner on the doom page.
Made slight changes to "old home page" button and button link.
The link on my button was the old website name.
Removed "Target Practice" description (Quake).
Changed "Quake" page title to "Quake Worlds".
Changed "Doom" page's title to "My Doom Wads".
Put the releases of BURNSTONE and EXIT.WAD on the doom page. (Will update more today)
Changed "upallnight" page to "up-all-night"
Did some minor corrections to the doom page.
After a long break, I present a new music page for the band God Lives Underwater! I'm so glad to finally have the page finished. I impressed myself with what I was able to do with it!
I put the link to the "God Lives Underwater" page on the home page.
Added some new GIFs to the GLU page, and made another small change to the page.
Added the External Links page to the site.
Put the link to the External Links page on the home page.
Added text to the index page, and changed an image on the GLU page
Fixed a sentence by adding a letter on the GLU page. Must've looked over it, my mistake.
Changed the width of images on the Doom page. One of them looked a bit to wide. Looks better now.
Added the Marble Hornets page to the site. Still needs some fixing.
Added the Slenderverse page to the site. Fixing it now.
Fixed some text on the Slenderverse page.
Added the "No More Love" Directors cut video to the GLU page.
Fixed some words on The Slenderverse Page.
Added an update to the music video section, and corrected a minor text mistake.
Added the re-release for "WARMONGER" on the doom page.
Removed the "re-release" tags from the doom page.
Removed the "LAIR" picture from the doom page.
Added 'KeratinGarden' to the Slenderverse page.
Uploaded the "Hey Moon" page
Released "Wildearth" on the doom page!!
Completely missed it, but happy 2 years to this site! I still have some great things to come, so stay tuned!
Removed the "re-release" tag from "Wildearth" on the doom page
Added 5 tags to my site
Having made an account on doomworld.com, people have taken a liking to my WAD "WILDEARTH"! People have made videos on it and I am glad the people of the doom community think it's something special worth playing. I really do appreciate all the support / kind words, even criticisms of it! - Winter
Made some small text changes to the Slenderverse page.
Removed "Target Practice" from the Quake page, Added some new text there also.
(Posted on 28/1/25) 27/1/25
Released "Lost Stages" on the Doom
Added the titles of the WADS to the Doom page!
Removed some text on the Quake page.
Removed the "NEW" tag from the Lost Stages section and moved the text from the Warmonger section.
Added the NEW updated versions of "Dark Pit" and "Field" to the Quake Worlds page. Updated some text on the page as well.
Fixed some text on the doom page
Changed the "Warmonger" title with a new one on the quake page.
Finally released my experimental Quake map "TRW"!!
Added a new section to the GLU page.
I made a mistake on the GLU page. Turns out the GLU interview wasn't just in the book, but was on youtube as well.